2012- 2019 AFRICA TOP SCHOOLS REPORT (7 Pages)

2 min read


2012-2020 AFRICA TOP SCHOOL AWARDS REPORT. (7 pages report)
Some Schools were highly consistent in the WASSCE ratings obtained from WAEC. We are searching for top 1000 Schools; but regrettably, we have uncovered less than 200 schools so far. There is a need for investment in quality schooling in Nigeria. Only schools with quality and consistent investment in manpower development can be having consistent excellent outcomes. Going forward, we are upgrading to AFRICA GREAT SCHOOL AWARDS. We will be conducting a wide-scale Customer Satisfaction Monitor Study. We will be looking for Schools with 1) Excellent Customers Experience, 2) Excellent Workers Experience, and 3)  Represents Good Value for Time. https://www.canva.com/design/DAD63gVqdMs/RqTUnVndfJ92pAfN9XybIQ/view?utm_content=DAD63gVqdMs&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink

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