2 min read


The 2022 Africa Top Schools + 10: Eyes on the Future Initiative will explore the key progress made and lessons learned from the schools’ development and improvement plan of awards-winning schools over the last 10 years. The 10th year anniversary discussion will center on new ideas and aspirations of top schools, for the next 10 years. We will probe schools on the challenges of managing school enrollment and fears in a challenging economy. Especially, their survival strategies of the past three years; the Covid-19 pandemic challenge and the associated impact of currency devaluation, high inflationary trend, and job losses/ right-sizing of the labor force by leading companies. On a positive note, we will report on how Covid-19 ushered in a new era for how African countries deliver education.  We will also be featuring interviews with outstanding educators and leaders of major education associations/pressure groups in Africa.  There is a planned March 15-19, 2022 International visit to outstanding schools in Dubai. The 2022 awards ceremony and unveiling of the Africa Top Schools Report come up in Lagos on April 28 and in Abuja on April 29. 

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