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The Nigerian Tulip International College is a brand that Nigerian parents and all those who value sound or good education readily identify with. The college’s accomplishments in the promotion of sound education has been underscored by the quality of high school graduates that it continually produce. This is not a surprise to many parents who are aware of the much premium the school places on sound education and high moral standard. Over the last decade, the management of the school have been able to institutionalise a number of concepts within the school educational system. For example, for well over a decade, teachers’ primary duty in the school has been student-centred learning and teaching. Lessons are planned and delivered with the students’ benefits as the first and the major goal. The management have also incorporated the use of multimedia that are in it. Otherwise, such institutions soon lose relevance and become obsolete while the world moves ahead. Institutions that remain relevant in the business are those that always incorporate new trends or new measures for the clients benefit. To continue to remain relevant, therefore, and maintain our high standard, NTIC has always incorporated tested and trusted new and modern trends into her teachings. This tradition led to the school investing so much on the teaching staff, (the most important element among the learning variables). At the moment, NTIC investment in the continuous capacity improvement programmes for the teaching staff is second to none among secondary schools in Nigeria. Seminars and workshops are continually organised to ensure that our teachers stay abreast of the most recent or latest and best practices, approaches to modern, or twenty-first century teaching. In all the workshops, resource persons are invited both locally and from top United Kingdom Universities, while the input of the more experienced teachers in the house complement the efforts. The emphasis in all the workshops and seminars has always been – the modern trends in education and the most effective measures in academic administrations.
Apart from the continuous infrastructural developments in different sections of the school, teachers capacity improvement programmes, the strong feedback mechanism, well-structured moral and guidance department, and several others already introduced, the is one of the areas the management of the school is strengthening, as the school is reaching on to greater glories in the years ahead.
The perfection of the school online lessons is another area of much interest and definitely, of greater benefit to both students and teachers. Students being at home on holiday or a break is not the end of all academic engagements in NTIC. The school started the use of online lesson connecting all the students to their class even while on holiday and thousands of kilometres away from the school. All that this takes is just a click of the button and a secure internet connection on any 3G communicative device. This well-moderated online lesson has been in operation in the school since 2019 and the school management is putting in place several attendance monitored, structured timetable, and distraction control measures. All of these are steps to ensure the perfection of measures, which ensure that while at home or away on vacation, our students and teachers, can always have their lessons. Besides, there are online platforms that they can also take examinations on the subject and topics already taken online. This has put NTIC well ahead of others in the use of virtual lessons for greater benefit.

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